Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another Take on Finding Scholarships

Franklin University has a blog with some very interesting posts.  One I really like has to do with finding resources to help pay for college.  If you've read my scholarship guide (see those links at the top of the page?) some of these will sound familiar.
"Resource #1: Federal Student Aid Scholarship Listings & Information
Scholarships are gifts that don't need to be repaid. Lucky for you, the federal government has all the information you need about what kinds of scholarships are available to you, how to find them, how to apply, when to apply, and whether or not a scholarship will affect your other financial aid. Visit for more information.
Resource #2: Your State Government Your state government likely has online resource(s) in place that will provide information about grants, scholarships, and other financial aid available from the state for college students. These online resources often include federally-supported state programs. For a listing of state-based scholarship and grant resources, you'll want to visit the State Grant Agency at
Resource #3: (I find no clear link in the original article.  What I do find doesn't look too useful.  You be the judge.

Resource #4: Scholarships & Grants From the College You Want to Attend
It is often the case that colleges fund scholarship and grant programs with their own monies. To find out what might be available to you, visit the college website and search for financial aid, scholarships, and grants. See what you can find online, then supplement that information by getting in touch with a financial aid advisor at your school. They can point you in the right direction – it's their job."
#4 is great advice.  If you're high school student it's equally important to check with your school counselor for locally offered scholarships.
"Finally, it's important to avoid online scams when researching different financial aid options. The federal student aid office offers some good advice relative to avoiding scams that is definitely worth checking out.  While you're at it, here's some quick links to PDF documents that can help you avoid trouble:
Don't Get Scammed on Your Way to College
Student Aid and Identity Theft
Student Loans: Avoiding Deceptive Offers"
Just a few of my thoughts on these last three links.  To be safe while seeking funds for college:

  • Never pay to apply for a scholarship.  (Not even a small fee for processing.)
  • Be jealous of your privacy.  No one needs your social security number when you apply for a scholarship (although they may need it to pay you).
  • When borrowing money be every careful about all loans.  You may be paying them back for 10-25 years! 

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