Scholarship Resources

Be creative and be alert.  Listen for announcements and look for posters that may be in your own high school.  Look online for scholarships for a particular type of person (your type), or simply browse web pages of Fortune 500 companies.

Below please find my favorite link to pursue for scholarship opportunities.  If you have time for only one major online search, this is the one I’d recommend.  Remember that a scholarship is sort of a “needle-in-a-haystack,” so perseverance counts.  Even more important is that you get started!  Do it now!

A few final notes about scholarships may be worth your consideration.  First, I don’t recommend that students apply for any scholarship for which there is any type of fee at all.  You may decide to do so anyway, but please be aware that these may be geared less towards providing scholarships and more towards making money for the sponsors.

Second, remember that students who are already in college can apply for many scholarships.  If this information happens to reach you in your freshman, sophomore, or junior year of college, you may want to look for some of the scholarships you were too busy to apply for in high school.

Finally, please be sure not to give away any personal information you don’t want others to have while you’re searching or even applying for scholarships online.

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