Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Being an American Essay Contest 2011

The Being an American Essay Contest is a chance for US high school students in grades 9-12 to compete for a scholarship of $1,000 (with 2nd and 3rd prizes of $500 and $250) by completing an essay of 1,000 words or less.

The topic to be addressed is as follows: "How does the Constitution establish and maintain a culture of liberty?" (I feel like that should be "How did . . .," but you probably won't win anything with that approach.)

Your entry should also analyze and discuss:
  • "How one of the Founding principles established in the Constitution helps preserve liberty
  • Why at least one Founder, as evidenced in a primary source document, believed your chosen principle was a safeguard to liberty
  • Why your principle continues to be important today
  • How you personally help preserve a culture that insures the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America"
The deadline to enter is December 15, 2011. You can find complete information and the link to submit your essay on the Being an American Essay Contest web page.

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